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É preciso estar atento e forte: a má notícia é que as coisas mudam. Calma, a boa notícia é que as coisas mudam.
No meio disso tudo, eu escrevo...

sábado, 30 de março de 2013

C'mon life you bastard beauty

Don't give up, man. You feel like quitting, and I get it: it's bigger dude, bigger than you, I know, but that's the thing, the magical thing! Life is way bigger than what you've seen. So no matter how much you have seen things, expanded your mind; no matter how much you've travelled, no matter how much you've suffered - of injuries, or love, or both - or done stuff, there are still so much to experience, there are several and unexpected ways your life can take; there are endless possibilites waiting for your next step - and that's everything!
And in the end, we all speak the same language.

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