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É preciso estar atento e forte: a má notícia é que as coisas mudam. Calma, a boa notícia é que as coisas mudam.
No meio disso tudo, eu escrevo...

quarta-feira, 28 de julho de 2010

Hm, momento drama.

How could you be so cold as the winter wind when it breeze?

I know some things that you ain't told me, I did some things but that's the old me

So you walk round like you don't know me
You got a new friend; I got homies, but at the end it's still so lonely

You're bringing out a side of me that I don't know
I decided we wasn't gon' speak so why are up 3 a.m. on the phone?

And you just gon' keep hatin' me, and we just gon' be enemies, I know you can't believe
I could just leave it wrong and you can't make it right.

Um desses dias do tipo que parecem não quererem deixar de existir, 2010

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